What To Wear For My Philly Engagement Session

I get this question from almost every couple we work with - what should we wear for our engagement session here in Philadelphia and I figured, rather than letting continuing to email out my answer, I’d create a blog post to help guide our current couples, potential couples and anyone else looking for guidance! This is a season of your life that is full of so much joy and excitement but its also stressful! Figuring out what to wear can feel overwhelming so I have put together 6 tips to keep in mind when selecting your outfits for your shoot! For our Swiger Photography couples, your package includes a complimentary Philly engagement session because we believe in working together before your wedding day. This helps you get more natural images, we get to know each other and you obviously get some adorable pictures to document this phase of life. And because no blog post is complete without some sweet photos, I am also sharing some of favorite engagement session images here too! So scroll on for 6 tips on what to wear for your engagement session, but most especially for tip 6!


Engagement Outfit Tip Number One: Keep in mind the season your engagement session is taking place in!

This might seem like a duh but you’d be surprised how many couples show up to shoots wearing clothes that aren’t practical for the weather! That might mean a short sleeve, knee length dress in the winter or long sleeves or a full suit in the middle of the summer. You want to feel comfortable during your Philly engagement session, so think about the season and weather around when you are doing your shoot. If you don’t love the look of coats on you, maybe avoid times of the year where that would necessary or find a way to layer and keep warm using pieces that make you feel awesome.


Engagement Outfit Tip Number Two: Is matching your wedding theme important to you?

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If no, skip this tip altogether, but if you like the idea of your engagement photos matching the vibe, colors, ect of your wedding, that’s another thing to think about when selecting outfits. Some of my favorite sessions have included little wedding nods such a white dress, vintage glam accessories for a vintage glam wedding or bright colors to match their wedding colors!


Engagement Outfit Tip Number Three: The goal is to coordinate NOT match

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Everyone always asks if they should match and the answer is to go for coordinating, not full blown matching. Unless that’s your signature style as a couple! For most folks though, the goal is that you want to seem cohesive, put together and like you coordinate. What does this mean? If your wearing a red dress, maybe your partner is wearing a shirt with some red in it. If you are wearing jeans, maybe your partner wears jeans as well but a darker wash. The main thing to note here is that if you both are wearing the same color tops/bottoms, when posed all cute and cuddly, you end up sometimes look like one body with a lot of limbs. And for folks who are more body conscious, this can lead to you not loving your images!


Engagement Outfit Tip Number Four - Avoid super tiny patterns or stripes

This one is kind of self explanatory but avoiding those things will your images not look the wrong kind of busy and helps keep the focus on the two of you!

Engagement Outfit Tip Number Five - Say yes to layers or more than one outfit!

If you are someone who likes vareity, wearing an outfit with different layers helps create that variety for you! Sweaters, jackets, scarves, ties, jewelry even, are things you can easily switch up and change the feel of your images! And if your photographer offers you the option of an outfit change, DO IT! This is a great way to get even more variety + it allows you to options in case you might love that skirt in the mirror but aren’t so into it in photos!

Philly Engagement Shoot Inspiration

Engagement Outfit Tip Number Six - Your engagement session is about you

Not a dressy couple? Be casual then! Hate dresses but was told that’s what you should wear? Ignore that advice! Not into bright colors? Totally cool! Do you for your engagement session! There is the trend among photographers that says that you should try and dress _____ way and to dress your partner _____ way its real hetronormative and honestly, icky to me. Relationships aren’t made up of gender roles and stereotypes around how certain genders should look. Relationships are about two people though. So let this be the permission to wear what makes YOU feel good. Because guess what? When you feel great, it shows in your images. Be you boo! Own your curves or your hair color or unique style or your love of keds sneakers. And don’t try to change your partner into someone they aren’t either. Just be yourselves and let your photographer capture the magic that is your love.

And now, just for fun, here are some of my other favorite engagement images!